CRank: 5Score: 4330

Hello, people still playing Halo 2 after about 3 years. Haze comes out in about 2 months from Halo 3. You think all those 1.8 million people is going just stop playing Halo 3. That is funny. The whole videogames loyalists is funny. These are just games people. I mean whats up with the hatorade. If you do not like a game or system. Than you buy somethng else. Do not hate on a game or system for doing well. You crazy fans are not getting any money from Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo. It's just cr...

6096d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree with many people comments, it is too early to announce a winner. But they do need good games soon. I really want to buy a PS3. But there is no games yet. And, I need more than just MGS3. I know that will be good and FFXIII might not be out until 2009. And, we not sure how killzone will be yet. But people fell to mention that Xbox360 has a good line up next year also, Splinter Cell 5, Lost Odyssey, Ninja Gaiden 2, etc. So, the bottom line PS3 need games and need the games fast. And if ...

6099d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft have a good 2008 also, Splinter Cell 5(by: Ubisoft Montreal), Ninja Gaiden 2, Fable 2, Lost Odyssey, Alan Wake, GTA IV Extra Episodes, Too Human, Halo Wars, maybe Gears of War 2, etc. And don't forget Mass Effect and Project Gotham 4 this year.

6099d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Lets be real, I really want to buy a PS3. But there is no games to justify it. I am a hardcore gamer and I keep track of all gaming news even though, I only have a Xbox 360. But, everytime I think I want to get a PS3. I think about the games. The only thing I see in 2008 that I want for PS3 is MGS 4. Everything else that I would want on PS3 is coming to Xbox 360 also. I want FFXIII also, but that is 2009. But, anyone who thinks that HALO is the only game Microsoft is counting on is miss info...

6102d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ever time there is a popular game, especially a game that is for a specific system. Some one always got something bad to say. If you do not like a specific game do not buy it. But do you think Bungie is going care what Adam says or that kitty aid. I would not. They are going to make tons of money and regardless of what people say it still going to be the best game so far this year. It going to be a great way to start this holiday season. And as for over hype, Microsoft has to do what it gots ...

6111d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

I know reviews are opionated, but there are factual also. For example, If a reviewer says the game is short, it freezes, no online play, gliches, etc. These are facts. Reviews always have facts about a game. Also, you got to know the type of reviews or magazine you are reading, because different magazines and online sites have a different style of rating games. For example PSM, base their reviews on, if you pay $60.00 dollars, will you get your money worth with the game, Game Pro has a fun f...

6112d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will be playing Bio Shock, Halo3, COD 4, and Half Life 2 orange box. I do not care about an unproven francise such as Haze. That is not going to make me get a PS3. Plus, Unreal will make it on Xbox 360. Epic made a lot money with Gears of War. There not going to pass up all that money. Unlike Haze, you know Unreal will sale on the xbox 360. Haze would not of did well on the 360 anyway. It was probably best to make it exclusive on the PS3.

6123d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everybody gets on them about the differnt sku's and how if you buy everything it is more than a PS3. But microsoft give you choose. If you just want to play games only all you have to pay is $279.00 and a memeory card. But if you buy a PS3 you have to pay for a Bluy Ray Disc Player, WI-FI, and the hard drive just to play games. I hear people on the street that says, man the xbox is only $279.00.They did not metion the other sku because they wanted to just wanted to play games. Which why if y...

6127d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is all about making a profit. That why people starts a business. Nintendo makes money, lots of money. A lot of people do not play online, not even 50%. So, I guess the reason Nintendo does not have an awsome online, because they do not see it as profitable. What's profitable is handhelds, kid games, and casual gamers. Which Nintendo does well in. When online because profitable in Nintendo eyes, then everyone will see a great online feature.

6156d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man with this along with Mass Effect, COD 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, etc. True Next Gen is finally her. Man it's good to be a gamer. Once Bioshock gets her its all uphill. Sorry Wii, but I got 360 and getting a PS3 with my income tax return next year. Wii games can not compete. I don't care how family friendly it is. I was debating. But after seeing RE5 and MGS4 trailers. Man Wii can not compete. After this year what will the Wii have for 2008. Nothing to compete with PS3 or Xbox360. I love ninte...

6159d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You must not known, but Mass Effect is meant to be a three part trilogy. What you do on the first game carries over to the next.

6173d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They had to years of development time. While the other company did COD 3.

6174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Original Super Mario and Street Fighter II

Who many times do you see them games pop up time and time again. ( Street Fighter II HD for XBLA anyone). I do not see what's wrong with giving xbox fans some love. If Gears of War came to PS3 this year. People be on it like crack. All they did is bring a game to different systems at different times. If it came to all four systems at once it would not be no talk at all about milking. Now the WII verson was not neccessary. But the P...

6176d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think they deserved to play one of the greatest game of all time.

6176d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have and xbox360, so I am not a fanboy. But I am realistic. Outside the 120 gig hard drive(which I would not need), the PS3 is a more better purchase. I get a blue ray disc player, wi-fi, and I still get 60 gig hard drive, and a way lower failure rate. Plus after a year you will see the differents in graphics.

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For all you get with PS3 it is worth it. How can you argue with $499.00. You get great graphics, you have a large PS2 library with 1080p upgrade,WI-FI, 60 gig hard drive, blue ray disk player,and HDMI output,and a year from know a big library of great games . You get way more for $100.00 than the xbox 360 premium package. So know the elite is not worth buying. I was thinking about getting a Wii and and HD DVD accessory for my 360. But know I am getting a PS3 this winter instead.

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is called a typing error you idiot. I do have a sense of humor,fyi. You need to show some respect little boy and stop using God's name in vain. It's nothing funny about it.

6187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you get the fighting engine to work as smooth as playing offline. Than that would bring the fighting games back. There would be mad online tournaments across the world and you would not have to leave your house. Just imagine Tekken, Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter, and a Street Fighter 4 with lag free online competition. It would be crazy. Once that happen than more people would start doing original fighting games. It would be like the 90's again. Oh yeah and imagine the online achievements f...

6189d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry Talyboy, your not GOD, and your never will be.

6190d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

If Crysis is better graphically than Bio Shock. It all about gameplay and Bio Shock will be the best single player experience so far on the next gen consoles. I can not wait, I been dying for a good original I.P. that shows what next Gen is all about. Know all other console games have to step up after August. Yes, I know Crysis will be amazing, but that is a PC game. For a thousand and some dollars to play it, it better be. But for console games, best graphics so far for Bio Shock.

6190d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment